Eurobitume continued to educate and promote the efficient, economic, effective, safe and sustainable use of refined bitumen in 2022, sharing our and our members’ expertise, experience and advice with bitumen industry stakeholders and opinion formers.

In collaboration with strategic partner organisations throughout Europe, we researched, reported and sought to address the condition of road pavements.

For example, in the UK Eurobitume is a partner in the Asphalt Industry Alliance (AIA), which published its annual local authority road maintenance (ALARM) report on the condition of roads in England and Wales.

Asphalt Industry Alliance (AIA)

Similarly, in France Eurobitume industry partner IDRRIM (the French Institute of Roads, Streets and Infrastructure for Mobility) published its annual French National Road Observatory (ONR) report on the state of the 1,000,000 km road network in France, and the resources devoted to its maintenance.

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Eurobitume executives and members attended the global strategic asphalt research symposium in Atlanta, USA, to help shape the future of the asphalt industry by sharing their thinking about research, innovation and technologies.

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Bitumen and sustainability presentations delivered in Northern Ireland, France and New Zealand

Throughout the year, Eurobitume representatives including Eurobitume Technical Lead Dr Ian Lancaster delivered bitumen sustainability and life cycle assessment-related presentations at various physical, online and hybrid events. These included the AIT conference in Belfast, Northern Ireland; the IBEF annual meeting in Paris, France; and at the Future Roads event in Hamilton, New Zealand.

Eurobitume UK is a 50% partner in the Asphalt Industry Alliance’s (AIA), which once again organised a Sharing Best Practice educational and networking event for local authority highway engineers and road industry professionals from across the UK.

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