2019 French National Road Observatory report published

France |

Created to meet the challenges of maintaining and preserving road heritage in France, the French National Road Observatory (ONR) has been led by IDRRIM (Institute of Roads, Streets and Infrastructure for Mobility) since January 2016.

Now firmly established as an annual publication, the 3rd (2019) edition of the ONR report contains objective information about the state of road networks and the resources devoted to their maintenance. It contains data from 69 departments and nine metropolitan areas, supplemented by information published by the Government for the national road network and an initial collection of statistics from a panel of four communities of municipalities and conurbations.





Highlights from the report, which for the second time contain trend analyses for the metropolitan network over the last three years, include:

Overall (based upon three different road categories: Category 1 - The network that carries the most traffic; Category 2 - Main network; Category 3 - Local network):

  • 54% of roads are in good condition
  • 36% require maintenance
  • 10% are in poor condition

  • 59.6% of departmental bridges are in good condition, 31.6% require specialised maintenance, 7.1% need repair work, and 1.8% require major repairs

To view the 2019 ONR report, click here.